All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. - John 1:3 STS, TGSS and Trinity ~ through Toil and Perseverance!
St. Thomas School (STS), established in 1995, is a private, minority, co-educational institution which aimed at, and successfully bridged the urban-rural divide that is very much a part of our Indian society. The success rate of the students in the Secondary School Examination and Senior School Certificate Examination each year is a public statement about the school's commitment.
View WebsiteThe Good Shepherd’s (TGSS) is a private, minority, co-educational school, Kindergarten onwards dedicated to the intellectual and personal growth of every child. TGSS instills in its students intellectual enthusiasm, leadership, and an appreciation of discovery. We encourage students to focus on achievement with a willingness to explore varied paths to reach their goals. Because the TGSS community revels in scholarly, athletic, and artistic adventure, day-to-day life at The Good Shepherd’s is filled with the joy of learning and doing, both for students and for faculty.
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